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bitingly relateable. i happened to choose the cyan cube first and i've never seen the difficult relationship i've had with "fun" media described so clearly. it's not that it's done anything wrong! sometimes it's just too much or not the right time.

and it's a very kind game as well. i'm grateful it doesn't speak to me quite as deeply as it might have some years ago, but i still appreciate how gentle it is despite the difficult topics it covers.


Thank you so much!

Regarding the Cyan Cube...yes! I'm a little better about it now, but when I initially wrote this I had this recurring problem: I would have about 30-60 minutes of free time to relax and enjoy something fun. But I couldn't decide what to do or how to best spend those minutes. So I would scroll through the Steam store/library, scroll through Netflix, etc. and waste about 25 minutes just agonizing over what to pick. Or I'd start something, try to force myself to have fun with it, and it'd just make me upset and even less relaxed than before.

Before then, I never thought that "leisure" or unwinding could be difficult and stressful.

Thank you so much for playing!