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This is so good! Super impressed with how y'all distilled the RPG arc here. Every room has a purpose and it feels like nothing is wasted. The characters are fun and it looks great. The combat system was fun to dig into & the mix of health as a resource + the guard/spell loop really worked for me. Amazed that I could play a full micro-RPG after a week long jam!

Thanks, that means a lot! Yeah I'm really obsessed with the idea of a "one-sitting RPG" basically.  I'm glad the gameplay worked for you, I had very little time to playtest it hahaha. In the last few hours I was just buffing and nerfing things to make sure the game wasn't too hard to beat.

Thanks for all the kind words!

This was great! I really loved the dialogue and character designs. The whole thing had so much charm

Thank you so much!!

I really liked this! It felt like the summary of a long RPG, with some things getting lost in the process of summarizing it, but I liked the premise, the characters were charming and even if I didn't understand all the mechanics I had fun finishing the game.

Thanks so much! Yeah I had to make some tough decisions in terms of what to keep and what to trim down. Even the huge choice of "no random encounters" ends up making it feel like a short summary of a real adventure. Glad you had fun!

Oh my gosh I love this! The characters are all really charming and lovable and I really enjoyed my time with them. Also having all the characters be metals is such a fun theme!

Thank you so much! That means a lot!

Brilliant! Interesting combat / health system, and a really evocative and fun world to play in. Delightful cast. Copper is maybe one of the designs of all time.

Thanks so much! And yeah, when Mango sent me the characters designs I was so excited. Copper is great.